
Route de Troinex, 31
1234 - Vessy, GE


Monday - Friday
08h00 – 18h00


(Private Branch Exchange)


What is PBX Cloud?

The virtual PBX is similar to the physical PBX, except that it is hosted in Swisscom's secure and highly available cloud..

The Cloud PBX offers more features than the on-premises solution and has many advantages:

  • No equipment required
  • Accessible from any device at any time via VPN (ideal for telecommuting or your mobile employees)
  • Accessible from your different sites

This solution is available:

  • In purchase (CAPEX)
  • In service leasing (OPEX) in partnership with "Full Service Solution" from Swisscom

Who is it for?

The most appropriate technology if you don't have the manpower, the budget and the the manpower, the budget and the time to deploy your own phone system yourself. In addition, you only pay for the features you need, no more and no less.

Why choose PBX on Cloud?

The Cloud PBX will be a definite asset in the development of your business.

With the Cloud PBX, equip your company with a technology with multiple features. Deployment is simple, fast, efficient and tailor-made.

You will also be able to integrate the tools you already use on a daily basis such as TEAMS.

In short, the Cloud PBX is :

  • Conference Call
  • Web conference
  • Live chat & calls
  • Call Waiting Notification
  • Call Recording
  • Customize queueing such as music queue or queueing.
  • IVR (interactive voice response)
  • Integration with market CRMs
  • Call center
  • etc.

How it works

Scheme Cloud 2 Scheme Cloud 1

SYCOM's advantage

  • A personal interlocutor
  • Unlimited assistance
  • On-site intervention on request

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